Most popular courses
2. Information about the organisations releasing the online course |
Contact details of the MYH4D project representatives |
Name of organisation |
ASL Torino 3 |
Website |
Contact person |
Serena Zucchi |
Name of organisation |
OCMW Kortrijk |
Website |
Contact person |
Jan Goddaer |
Name of organisation |
Foundation Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria |
Website |
Contact person |
Tania Tisheva |
Name of organisation |
Emphasys Centre |
Website |
Contact person |
Stelios Stelyanou |
Name of organisation |
University of Peloponnese |
Website |
Contact person |
Spiros Sirmakessis |
Name of organisation |
Pixel |
Website |
Contact person |
Elisabetta Delle Donne |
Name of organisation |
Zveza Drustev Upokojencev Slovenije |
Website |
Contact person |
Dijana Lukic |
Name of organisation |
Instituto Etica Clinica Francisco Valles |
Website |
Contact person |
Emanuele Valenti |
3. Description of the learning outcomes to be achieved during online course |
Title of Modules |
- “Put yourself in the shoes” of people with dementia - Prevention - Communicating in daily and community life with people with dementia - "Inclusive Community Focused on People Living with Dementia" |
Acquired knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during the course< |
The aim of the MOOC is to help the learner discover what dementia is, through the experience of people living with dementia, better recognise their thought, emotions, and behaviours, and recognise the misunderstanding about differences between ageing and dementia. More specifically the learners will acquire: - Knowledge about dementia (such as elements of health education about dementia, inclusive communities towards people with dementia, protective factors for the onset and course of the disease, quality of life of people with dementia in private and public environments and examples of inclusive communities towards dementia) is presented in the ppt materials, videos and cartoons produced by the consortium. - Transversal skills (such as the ability to recognise signs of dementia; communication and relationship skills to interact with people with dementia such as positive and simple language, calm non-verbal communication, empathy as the ability to understand the point of view of the person with dementia) are presented in the ppts, testimonial videos and cartoons produced by the consortium. - Competencies for the management of adult education to support health education on dementia are mostly declined in the activity materials in which tools for individual and group learning of adults are presented (exercises, games, role-playing, videos produced by the consortium). |
4. Assessment and documentation |
Person(s) responsible for assessing the learner’s performance |
The Move Your Hands for Dementia partnership, as responsible for the creation of the contents of the MOOC, is recognised as the responsible for the assessing of the learner’s performance. |
How and when will the assessment be recorded? |
The assessment takes place through 2 steps during the course: · Step 1: after each Module, the learner is asked to take a self-evaluation test on the contents covered in the Module · Step 2: At the end of the course, the learner has to take an evaluation test on the contents covered throughout the whole MOOC When the final test is passed, the learner receives a certificate of completion of the Course, recognising the knowledge, skills and competences acquired. |
5. Validation and recognition |
Person (s) responsible for validating the learning outcomes achieved |
Name: Serena Zucchi on behalf of the MYH4D Consortium |
How will the validation process be carried out? |
The validation of the online course is carried out through the positive completion of an assessment test and the subsequently release of a certificates that recognises the acquirement of specific Knowledge, Skills and Competencies |
Recording of validated achievements |
Date: the date corresponds to the completion and passing of the final test |
Method: Release of a personal certificate of competencies corresponding of 10 hours of training |
How will the recognition be conducted? |
The partnership of the MYH4D Project is committed to recognise the Knowledge, Skills and Competencies to the Learner who successfully completed the online course through an official certificate duly signed by the representative of the MYH4D Project. |
2. Informatie over de organisaties die de online cursus uitbrengen |
Contactgegevens van de vertegenwoordigers van het MYH4D-project |
Naam van organisatie |
ASL Torino 3 |
Website |
Contactpersoon |
Serena Zucchi |
Naam van organisatie |
OCMW Kortrijk |
Website |
Contactpersoon |
Jan Goddaer |
Naam van organisatie |
Stichting Compassie Alzheimer Bulgarije |
Website |
Contactpersoon |
Tania Tisheva |
Naam van organisatie |
Nadrukcentrum |
Website |
Contactpersoon |
Stelios Stelyanou |
Naam van organisatie |
Universiteit van Peloponnesos |
Website |
Contactpersoon |
Spiros Sirmakessis |
Naam van organisatie |
Pixel |
Website |
Contactpersoon |
Elisabetta Delle Donne |
Naam van organisatie |
Zveza Drustev Upokojencev Slovenije |
Website |
Contactpersoon |
Dijana Lukić |
Naam van organisatie |
Instituto Etica Clinica Francisco Valles |
Website |
Contactpersoon |
Emanuele Valentini |
3. Beschrijving van de te behalen leerresultaten tijdens online cursus | |
Titel van modules |
- “Verplaats jezelf in de schoenen” van mensen met dementie
- Preventie - Communiceren in het dagelijkse en gemeenschapsleven met mensen met dementie - "Inclusieve gemeenschap gericht op mensen die leven met" Dementie" |
Verworven kennis, vaardigheden en competenties verworven tijdens de cursus |
Het doel van de MOOC is om de leerling te helpen ontdekken wat
dementie is, door de ervaring van mensen die leven met
dementie, herkennen hun gedachten, emoties en
gedrag, en erken het misverstand over
verschillen tussen ouder worden en dementie.
Meer specifiek verwerven de cursisten: - Kennis over dementie (zoals elementen van gezondheid) voorlichting over dementie, inclusieve gemeenschappen naar mensen met dementie, beschermende factoren voor het ontstaan en beloop van de ziekte, kwaliteit van leven van mensen met dementie in private en publieke omgevingen en voorbeelden van inclusieve gemeenschappen richting dementie) wordt gepresenteerd in de ppt-materialen, video's en cartoons geproduceerd door de consortium. - Transversale vaardigheden (zoals het vermogen om te herkennen) tekenen van dementie; communicatieve en relationele vaardigheden om omgaan met mensen met dementie, zoals positieve en eenvoudige taal, rustige non-verbale communicatie, empathie als het vermogen om het standpunt van de persoon te begrijpen met dementie) worden weergegeven in de ppts, testimonial video's en cartoons geproduceerd door het consortium. - Competenties voor het beheer van volwasseneneducatie om ondersteuning van gezondheidsvoorlichting over dementie wordt meestal geweigerd in het activiteitenmateriaal waarin hulpmiddelen voor individuele en groepsleren van volwassenen wordt gepresenteerd (oefeningen, spelletjes, rollenspel, video's geproduceerd door het consortium). |
4. Beoordeling en documentatie |
Persoon (personen) die verantwoordelijk is/zijn voor het beoordelen van de leerling prestatie |
Het Move Your Hands for Dementia-partnerschap, als verantwoordelijk voor de totstandkoming van de inhoud van de MOOC, wordt erkend als de verantwoordelijke voor de beoordeling van de prestaties van de leerling. |
Hoe en wanneer wordt de beoordeling vastgelegd? |
De beoordeling vindt plaats via 2 stappen tijdens de
- Stap 1: na elke module wordt de cursist gevraagd om een zelfevaluatietest over de inhoud van de module - Stap 2: Aan het einde van de cursus moet de cursist een evaluatietest over de inhoud die tijdens de hele MOOC Wanneer de laatste test is behaald, ontvangt de leerling een certificaat van voltooiing van de cursus, met erkenning van de verworven kennis, vaardigheden en competenties. |
5. Validatie en erkenning |
Persoon (personen) verantwoordelijk voor het valideren van de leerresultaten bereikt |
Naam: Serena Zucchi namens het MYH4D Consortium |
Hoe wordt het validatieproces uitgevoerd? |
De validatie van de online cursus wordt uitgevoerd via: het positief afleggen van een beoordelingstoets en de vervolgens vrijgeven van een certificaat dat de verwerven van specifieke kennis, vaardigheden en competenties |
Registratie van gevalideerde prestaties |
Datum: de datum komt overeen met de voltooiing en het passeren van de laatste test |
Werkwijze: Afgifte van een persoonlijk certificaat van bekwaamheid overeenkomend met 10 uur training |
Hoe wordt de erkenning uitgevoerd? |
Het partnerschap van het MYH4D-project zet zich in voor: erkennen de kennis, vaardigheden en competenties voor de Cursist die de online cursus met succes heeft afgerond door middel van een officieel certificaat dat naar behoren is ondertekend door de vertegenwoordiger van het MYH4D-project. |
2. Information about the organisations releasing the online course |
Contact details of the MYH4D project representatives |
Name of organisation |
ASL Torino 3 |
Website |
Contact person |
Serena Zucchi |
Name of organisation |
OCMW Kortrijk |
Website |
Contact person |
Jan Goddaer |
Name of organisation |
Foundation Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria |
Website |
Contact person |
Tania Tisheva |
Name of organisation |
Emphasys Centre |
Website |
Contact person |
Stelios Stelyanou |
Name of organisation |
University of Peloponnese |
Website |
Contact person |
Spiros Sirmakessis |
Name of organisation |
Pixel |
Website |
Contact person |
Elisabetta Delle Donne |
Name of organisation |
Zveza Drustev Upokojencev Slovenije |
Website |
Contact person |
Dijana Lukić |
Name of organisation |
Instituto Etica Clinica Francisco Valles |
Website |
Contact person |
Emanuele Valenti |
3. Description of the learning outcomes to be achieved during online course |
Title of Modules |
- “Put yourself in the shoes” of people with dementia
- Prevention - Communicating in daily and community life with people with dementia - "Inclusive Community Focused on People Living with Dementia" |
Acquired knowledge, skills and competencies acquired during the course< |
The aim of the MOOC is to help the learner discover what
dementia is, through the experience of people living with
dementia, better recognise their thought, emotions, and
behaviours, and recognise the misunderstanding about
differences between ageing and dementia.
More specifically the learners will acquire: - Knowledge about dementia (such as elements of health education about dementia, inclusive communities towards people with dementia, protective factors for the onset and course of the disease, quality of life of people with dementia in private and public environments and examples of inclusive communities towards dementia) is presented in the ppt materials, videos and cartoons produced by the consortium. - Transversal skills (such as the ability to recognise signs of dementia; communication and relationship skills to interact with people with dementia such as positive and simple language, calm non-verbal communication, empathy as the ability to understand the point of view of the person with dementia) are presented in the ppts, testimonial videos and cartoons produced by the consortium. - Competencies for the management of adult education to support health education on dementia are mostly declined in the activity materials in which tools for individual and group learning of adults are presented (exercises, games, role-playing, videos produced by the consortium). |
4. Assessment and documentation |
Person(s) responsible for assessing the learner’s performance |
The Move Your Hands for Dementia partnership, as responsible for the creation of the contents of the MOOC, is recognised as the responsible for the assessing of the learner’s performance. |
How and when will the assessment be recorded? |
The assessment takes place through 2 steps during the
· Step 1: after each Module, the learner is asked to take a self-evaluation test on the contents covered in the Module · Step 2: At the end of the course, the learner has to take an evaluation test on the contents covered throughout the whole MOOC When the final test is passed, the learner receives a certificate of completion of the Course, recognising the knowledge, skills and competences acquired. |
5. Validation and recognition |
Person (s) responsible for validating the learning outcomes achieved |
Name: Serena Zucchi on behalf of the MYH4D Consortium |
How will the validation process be carried out? |
The validation of the online course is carried out through the positive completion of an assessment test and the subsequently release of a certificates that recognises the acquirement of specific Knowledge, Skills and Competencies |
Recording of validated achievements |
Date: the date corresponds to the completion and passing of the final test |
Method: Release of a personal certificate of competencies corresponding of 10 hours of training |
How will the recognition be conducted? |
The partnership of the MYH4D Project is committed to recognise the Knowledge, Skills and Competencies to the Learner who successfully completed the online course through an official certificate duly signed by the representative of the MYH4D Project. |
Datos de contacto de los representantes del proyecto MYH4D |
Nombre de la organización |
ASL Turín 3 |
Sitio web |
Persona de contacto |
Serena Zucchi |
Nombre de la organización |
OCMW Courtrai |
Sitio web |
Persona de contacto |
Jan Goddaer |
Nombre de la organización |
Fundación Compasión Alzheimer Bulgaria |
Sitio web |
Persona de contacto |
Tania Tisheva |
Nombre de la organización |
Centro de Énfasis |
Sitio web |
Persona de contacto |
Stelios Stelyanou |
Nombre de la organización |
Universidad del Peloponeso |
Sitio web |
Persona de contacto |
Spiros Sirmakessis |
Nombre de la organización |
píxel |
Sitio web |
Persona de contacto |
Elisabetta Delle Donne |
Nombre de la organización |
Zveza Drustev Upokojencev Slovenije |
Sitio web |
Persona de contacto |
Dijana Lukić |
Nombre de la organización |
Instituto Ético Clínica Francisco Valles |
Sitio web |
Persona de contacto |
Emanuele Valenti |
Título de los módulos |
- “Ponte en los zapatos” de las personas con demencia - Prevención - Comunicarse en la vida diaria y comunitaria con las personas. con demencia - “Comunidad Inclusiva Enfocada en Personas que Viven con Demencia" |
Conocimientos adquiridos, habilidades y competencias adquiridas durante el curso< |
El objetivo del MOOC es ayudar al alumno a descubrir lo que demencia es, a través de la experiencia de las personas que viven con demencia, reconocer mejor sus pensamientos, emociones y comportamientos, y reconocer el malentendido acerca de Diferencias entre envejecimiento y demencia. Más específicamente, los alumnos adquirirán: - Conocimiento sobre la demencia (como elementos de salud educación sobre la demencia, comunidades inclusivas hacia personas con demencia, factores protectores para la aparición y curso de la enfermedad, calidad de vida de las personas con demencia en entornos privados y públicos y ejemplos de comunidades inclusivas hacia la demencia) se presenta en el materiales ppt, videos y dibujos animados producidos por el consorcio. - Habilidades transversales (como la capacidad de reconocer signos de demencia; Habilidades de comunicación y relación para interactuar con personas con demencia como positivo y lenguaje sencillo, comunicación no verbal tranquila, empatía como la capacidad de comprender el punto de vista de la persona con demencia) se presentan en los ppts, testimonial videos y dibujos animados producidos por el consorcio. - Competencias para la gestión de la educación de adultos para apoyar la educación sanitaria sobre la demencia se reducen en su mayoría en los materiales de actividad en los que se utilizan herramientas para uso individual y Se presentan aprendizajes grupales de adultos (ejercicios, juegos, juegos de rol, videos producidos por el consorcio). |
4. Assessment and documentation |
Person(s) responsible for assessing the learner’s performance |
The Move Your Hands for Dementia partnership, as responsible for the creation of the contents of the MOOC, is recognised as the responsible for the assessing of the learner’s performance. |
How and when will the assessment be recorded? |
The assessment takes place through 2 steps during the course: · Step 1: after each Module, the learner is asked to take a self-evaluation test on the contents covered in the Module · Step 2: At the end of the course, the learner has to take an evaluation test on the contents covered throughout the whole MOOC When the final test is passed, the learner receives a certificate of completion of the Course, recognising the knowledge, skills and competences acquired. |
Persona(s) responsable(s) de validar los resultados de aprendizaje logrado |
Nombre: Serena Zucchi en representación del Consorcio MYH4D |
¿Cómo se llevará a cabo el proceso de validación? |
La validación del curso online se realiza a través de la superación positiva de una prueba de evaluación y la posterior emisión de un certificado que reconoce la adquisición de Conocimientos, Habilidades y Competencias específicas |
Registro de logros validados |
Fecha: la fecha corresponde a la finalización y aprobación de la prueba final |
Modalidad: Expedición de un certificado personal de competencias correspondiente de 10 horas de entrenamiento |
¿Cómo se llevará a cabo el reconocimiento? |
La asociación del Proyecto MYH4D se compromete a reconocer los Conocimientos, Habilidades y Competencias a los Alumno que completó con éxito el curso en línea a través de un certificado oficial debidamente firmado por el representante del Proyecto MYH4D. |
2. Informacije o organizacijah, ki objavljajo spletni tecaj |
Kontaktni podatki predstavnikov projekta MYH4D |
Ime organizacije |
ASL Torino 3 |
Spletno mesto |
Kontaktna oseba |
Serena Zucchi |
Ime organizacije |
OCMW Kortrijk |
Spletno mesto |
Kontaktna oseba |
Jan Goddaer |
Ime organizacije |
Bolgarska fundacija Compassion Alzheimer |
Spletno mesto |
Kontaktna oseba |
Tanja Tiševa |
Ime organizacije |
Center za poudarjanje |
Spletno mesto |
Kontaktna oseba |
Stelios Stelyanou |
Ime organizacije |
Univerza na Peloponezu |
Spletno mesto |
Kontaktna oseba |
Spiros Sirmakessis |
Ime organizacije |
Pixel |
Spletno mesto |
Kontaktna oseba |
Elisabetta Delle Donne |
Ime organizacije |
Zveza Društev Upokojencev Slovenije |
Spletno mesto |
Kontaktna oseba |
Dijana Lukic |
Ime organizacije |
Institut za klinicno etiko Francisco Valles |
Spletno mesto |
Kontaktna oseba |
Emanuele Valenti |
3. Opis ucnih rezultatov, ki jih je treba doseci med spletnim tecajem |
Naslov modulov |
- »Postavite se v kozo« ljudi z demenco - Preprecevanje - Komunicirajte v vsakdanjem zivljenju in zivljenju v skupnosti z ljudmiz demenco - »Vkljucujoca skupnost, osredotocena na skupno zivljenje ljudi demenca" |
Znanja, vešcine in kompetence, pridobljene med tecaj < |
Namen MOOC je pomagati študentu ugotoviti, kaj
demenca je skozi izkušnje ljudi, s katerimi zivijo
demenco, bolje prepoznajo svoje mišljenje, custva e
vedenja in prepoznati nerazumevanje o
razlike med staranjem in demenco.
Natancneje, ucenci bodo pridobili: - Poznavanje demence (kot prvine zdravja izobrazevanje o demenci, vkljucujoce skupnosti proti osebe z demenco, varovalni dejavniki za nastanek e potek bolezni kakovost zivljenja ljudi z demenca v zasebnem in javnem okolju ter primeri vkljucujocih skupnosti proti demenci) je predstavljen v ppt gradiva, videi in risanke producirali konzorcij. - Transverzalne spretnosti (kot je sposobnost prepoznavanja znaki demence; komunikacijske in medosebne vešcine a komunicirati z ljudmi z demenco kot pozitivno e preprost jezik, umirjena neverbalna komunikacija, empatija kot sposobnost razumevanja stališca osebe z demenco) so predstavljeni v ppts, pricevanja videi in risanke, ki jih je produciral konzorcij. - Spretnosti za vodenje izobrazevanja odraslih a podpiranje zdravstvene vzgoje o demenci vecinoma zavracajo poslovna gradiva, v katerih so orodja za posameznika e Predstavljeno je skupinsko ucenje odraslih (vaje, igre, igre vlog, videi, ki jih je produciral konzorcij). |
4. Ocena in dokumentacija |
Oseba(-e), odgovorna(-e) za ocenjevanje ucenca izvedba |
Partnerstvo Move Your Hands for Dementia, na primer odgovoren za ustvarjanje vsebine MOOC, je priznan kot odgovoren za ocenjevanje uspešnost študentov. |
Kako in kdaj bo ocena zabelezena? |
Ocenjevanje poteka v dveh fazah med
1. faza: po vsakem modulu mora študent opraviti a samoocenjevalni test o vsebinah modula Faza 2: Na koncu tecaja mora študent slediti evalvacijski test o vsebinah, zajetih med celoten MOOC Ob opravljenem zakljucnem izpitu študent prejme a Potrdilo o opravljenem tecaju, ki potrjuje pridobljena znanja, vešcine in kompetence. |
5. Potrjevanje in priznavanje |
Oseba(-e), odgovorna(-e) za potrjevanje ucnih rezultatov segel navzgor |
Ime: Serena Zucchi v imenu konzorcija MYH4D |
Kako bo potekal postopek validacije? |
Validacija spletnega tecaja poteka prek uspešno opravljen ocenjevalni test in naknadno izdajo potrdila, ki priznava pridobivanje specificnih znanj, vešcin in kompetenc |
Zapis potrjenih rezultatov |
Datum: datum ustreza zakljucku in prehodu koncni test |
Nacin: Izdaja osebnega potrdila o usposobljenosti kar ustreza 10 uram usposabljanja |
Kako bo potekalo prepoznavanje? |
Partnerstvo projekta MYH4D je vkljuceno prepoznati znanja, spretnosti in kompetence al Študent, ki je uspešno zakljucil spletni tecaj s podpisanim uradnim potrdilom predstavnik projekta MYH4D. |
2. Informazioni sulle organizzazioni che pubblicano il corso online |
Dettagli di contatto dei rappresentanti del progetto MYH4D |
Nome dell'organizzazione |
ASL Torino 3 |
Sito web |
Persona di contatto |
Serena Zucchi |
Nome dell'organizzazione |
OCMW Courtrai |
Sito web |
Persona di contatto |
Jan Goddaer |
Nome dell'organizzazione |
Fondazione Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria |
Sito web |
Persona di contatto |
Tania Tisheva |
Nome dell'organizzazione |
Centro Enfasi |
Sito web |
Persona di contatto |
Stelios Stelyanou |
Nome dell'organizzazione |
Università del Peloponneso |
Sito web |
Persona di contatto |
Spiros Sirmakessis |
Nome dell'organizzazione |
Pixel |
Sito web |
Persona di contatto |
Elisabetta Delle Donne |
Nome dell'organizzazione |
Zveza Drustev Upokojencev Slovenije |
Sito web |
Persona di contatto |
Dijana Lukic |
Nome dell'organizzazione |
Instituto Etica Clinica Francisco Valles |
Sito web |
Persona di contatto |
Emanuele Valenti |
3. Descrizione dei risultati di apprendimento da raggiungere durante il corso online |
Titolo dei moduli |
- “Mettiti nei panni” delle persone con demenza - Prevenzione - Comunicare nella vita quotidiana e comunitaria con le persone con demenza - "Comunità inclusiva focalizzata sulle persone che convivono Demenza" |
Conoscenze, abilità e competenze acquisite durante il corso< |
Lo scopo del MOOC è aiutare lo studente a scoprire cosa demenza è, attraverso l'esperienza delle persone che convivono con demenza, riconoscere meglio il loro pensiero, le emozioni e comportamenti, e riconoscere l'incomprensione circa differenze tra invecchiamento e demenza. Nello specifico i discenti acquisiranno: - Conoscenza della demenza (come elementi di salute educazione sulla demenza, comunità inclusive verso persone con demenza, fattori protettivi per l'insorgenza e decorso della malattia, qualità della vita delle persone con demenza in ambienti privati e pubblici ed esempi di comunità inclusive verso la demenza) è presentato nel ppt materiali, video e cartoni animati prodotti dalla consorzio. - Abilità trasversali (come la capacità di riconoscere segni di demenza; capacità comunicative e relazionali a interagire con persone con demenza come positivo e linguaggio semplice, calma comunicazione non verbale, empatia come la capacità di comprendere il punto di vista della persona con demenza) sono presentati nei ppts, testimonial video e cartoni animati prodotti dal consorzio. - Competenze per la gestione dell'educazione degli adulti a sostenere l'educazione sanitaria sulla demenza sono per lo più rifiutati i materiali di attività in cui strumenti per l'individuo e vengono presentati gli apprendimenti di gruppo degli adulti (esercizi, giochi, giochi di ruolo, video prodotti dal consorzio). |
4. Valutazione e documentazione |
Persona(e) responsabile(i) della valutazione del discente prestazione |
La partnership Move Your Hands for Dementia, come responsabile della creazione dei contenuti del MOOC, è riconosciuto come responsabile della valutazione del prestazione dello studente. |
Come e quando verrà registrata la valutazione? |
La valutazione avviene attraverso 2 fasi durante il corso: · Fase 1: dopo ogni Modulo, allo studente viene chiesto di prendere a test di autovalutazione sui contenuti trattati nel Modulo · Fase 2: Alla fine del corso, lo studente deve seguire un test di valutazione sui contenuti trattati durante il intero MOOC Quando la prova finale è superata, lo studente riceve a certificato di completamento del Corso, riconoscendo il conoscenze, abilità e competenze acquisite. |
5. Convalida e riconoscimento |
Persona/e responsabile/i della convalida dei risultati di apprendimento raggiunto |
Nome: Serena Zucchi per conto del Consorzio MYH4D |
Come si svolgerà il processo di convalida? |
La validazione del corso online avviene tramite il superamento positivo di un test di valutazione e il successivamente rilascio di un attestato che riconosce il acquisizione di Conoscenze, Abilità e Competenze specifiche |
Registrazione dei risultati convalidati |
Data: la data corrisponde al completamento e al trapasso la prova finale |
Metodo: Rilascio di un certificato personale di competenze corrispondenti a 10 ore di formazione |
Come verrà condotto il riconoscimento? |
La partnership del progetto MYH4D è impegnata riconoscere le Conoscenze, Abilità e Competenze al Studente che ha completato con successo il corso online attraverso un certificato ufficiale debitamente firmato dal rappresentante del Progetto MYH4D. |